Josette Villeneuve à la Galerie Glendon (Université York), Toronto (Ontario).
À la Galerie Glendon de Toronto, du 24 février au 27 mars 2009 : Un monde à raccommoder / A World Stitched Together
Article by Glendon communications officer Marika Kemeny
A fascination for textiles, textures, and where they were made – these were the initial motivations of Quebec artist Josette Villeneuve for collecting labels of used clothing. But the works she created from these mundane sources, currently on view at the Glendon Gallery with the title Un monde à raccommoder /A World in Need of Mending, are anything but commonplace, as they are full of colour, symbolism and imagination.
Visitors showed a great deal of interest in the artworks
“I realized that when you look at real flags on display, what you also see is the sky and the clouds above. So, I decided to incorporate these into my works – after all, a creative artist can do anything”, she twinkles. In fact, she considers clouds as a metaphor for continued transformation, a cyclical change much like what happens within the world’s population.
What resulted from her fascination with clouds is a series of cloud-flags – flags that started out as accurate representations of the official ones, but which were transformed into cloud shapes with details such as stars or stripes in other colours than the official ones. The most impressive cloud-flag on display at Glendon is the large blue one which is the first work greeting visitors as they enter. With its sapphire blue background and dreamy white cloud centre, it transports the onlooker up, up into the sky.
The combination of maps, flags and cloud-flags is shown together for the first time at the current Glendon exhibition, inciting a great deal of interest and admiration from the public for the painstaking work and imagination that went into each piece. Villeneuve praises the Glendon Gallery’s curator, Marc Audette and his team. “They had many insights and innovative ideas for mounting these unusual pieces”, she observes. “It was a pleasure to work with them and the setup is dynamic and harmonious.”
“We are confronted with a veritable melting pot of origins, where ‘Made in Bangladesh’ rubs elbows with a large array of other provenances”, says curator Marc Audette. “Josette Villeneuve’s flags open the discussion on questions of identity within our societies, which are undergoing constant change as a result of globalization. These flags also resonate in worrisome ways with the current geopolitical reality of continuous periods of conflict in the world.”
Un monde à raccommoder – A World in Need of Mending is shown at the Glendon Gallery until March 21st. The next exhibition at the Gallery will display the work of York University Masters of Fine Arts studentStephanie Reynolds, from April 18th to April 30th. For details and gallery hours, please visit the Gallery’s website.